Archives de catégorie : English

Visit Provence in Winter

One of the true delights of Provence during the winter is the fact that there are barely any tourists there. Most people seem to be a bit reluctant to hit this area of France during the colder months. That is fine though. Avoiding the tourists is brilliant. It means that you can truly experience some of the delights that this area of the country has to offer.


Provence Market

Ok; if you are going to be in Provence during the winter, it is likely you will be staying in reach of one of the many small villages that are peppered around the area. Brilliant! Most days of the week you will find at least one or two markets running. Go and visit them! It will mainly just be locals there and you will be able to experience a true ‘French Market’. Make sure you head to a good Farmer’s Market (Port Grimaud I on Thursdays and Sundays, Port Grimaud Sud on Mondays and Fridays or Grimaud on Thursdays). You will be able to pick-up some high quality ingredients to work into your own cooking.


The law in France states that stores are only allowed to offer sales twice a year. The first will always be in July in order to pull those tourists in. The second, and quite often bigger, sale is in January. There will not be tourists here. Stores will be looking to get rid of the stock that they were unable to shift over the Christmas period. There are plenty of deals here and I am sure you will be able to find more than one item to bring home to your family. There will be plenty of cafes and restaurants around these stores so you can always stop off for some delightful French food to ‘reinvigorate’ yourself.


Let’s stick to the subject of food for a little. Provence is a very ‘high class’ area. People flock from all over the world to sample the culinary delights on offer (French cuisine is the best after all). Most of these people will book months in advance to ensure that they have a table at their favorite restaurant. You will not be heading to Provence during the high season though. This means that you have your pick of some of the best restaurants around, and you are barely going to need to book a table. Grab a food guide in advance and just ‘tour’ the region. There will be plenty on offer !

The Beach

beaches south of france

No. You are not expected to have a dip in the Mediterranean during the winter. You will freeze. You should still head near the beach though. The scenery is absolutely stunning. Have a walk around the area and you will almost certainly start to warm up on even the coldest of days. Don’t forget to bring your camera along too! Those gorgeous views will be unspoiled by tourists, and that means that you should be able to get in some beautiful photographs !

Traveling to France and to Port Grimaud for the first time

If you are traveling to Port Grimaud or to France for the first time, here a few tips for your visit.

Getting dressed

We are located in one of the sunniest areas of France, so you’ll most likely have a lot of sunshine whether you come and visit us in the summer or in the winter.
However, it can get gold in the winter, so don’t forget to layer up.

In general, people are dressed casually, even in fancy villages and cities such as Saint-Tropez or Cannes. However, if this is true when you stroll down the streets, you’ll need to dress up to enter casinos or gourmet restaurants.

Speaking with French people

France in general may not be the country where you’ll find the most English speakers, but we receive millions of tourists every year, so everyone in the industry does speak English. Don’t worry, you’ll easily be able to order a cup of coffee or a good meal at the restaurant (lots of restaurants have menus in different languages).

If you’d like to give French a try, start by learning how to say Hello, Good bye and Thank you.

Hello: bonjour (before 5pm) or bonsoir (after 5pm)

Good bye: au revoir

Thank you: merci or merci beaucoup (thank you very much).

We also suggest you download an app that enables you to speak your question or phrase to your smartphone and it will be automatically speak the translated version.

You’ve probably heard that we French people either say “tu” or “vous” for “you” and this may seem a little intimidating or confusing. Without entering into too many details, use “tu” when speaking to children and “vous” for everyone else. Only friends and family members use “tu”. And if you still have doubts, it’s better to start with “vous” and wait for other people to ask to “se tutoyer” (= to say “tu”).


Our national currency is the euro. It’s the same as in a lot of other European countries, which can be very convenient if you are travelling to nearby countries, such as Italy for instance.


Be aware that most taxis do not accept credit card so make sure you have withdrawn cash from an ATM before. If that’s not the case, you can still ask the driver to make a stop at an ATM on your way to your destination.

This profession is strictly regulated so the price should be the same for everyone. It depends on the number of kilometers, the time of the day and on the number of pieces of luggage in the trunk.

Uber is also very popular in France so you can give drive with them as well.


At bars and restaurants, a service charge is systematically included in the bill so tipping is absolutely optional (French restaurant owners love foreigners who don’t know that and add a 15% to 20% tip). If you’re happy with the service you can still add a euro or two at the end of your meal.

These are some basic rules when it comes to visiting France. If you need more information or are looking for a vacation rental near Saint-Tropez, please reach out to us. We’ll be happy to assist you.

Boutemy Real Estate launches « 2015 BI’s Winter Sale »

Boutemy estate innovates once again this year and has not finished to surprise you !


From January 6th to February 12th, 2015, Boutemy Real Estate offers discounts through its « Winter Sale » ranging from 5 to 20% including VAT on our fees, on a selection of houses and apartments for sale, only on offers that have been accepted by owners during this period, and on the condition that the date of signing (of completion) takes place no later than June 30th, 2015.

To get a list of eligible properties or for more information, please contact us by any means at your convenience.

Boutemy Real Estate, innovating leader in Port Grimaud.

Best Wishes 2015 from the BOUTEMY team !

The whole BOUTEMY REAL ESTATE TEAM wishes you a Merry Christmas 2014, and a very Happy New Year 2015.

Here is our Greeting card 2015 that we are offering to you with our hearts … and our sense of humor !

« We wish you the Best for 2015… Port Grimaud, your greatest gift. »

Agence immobilière Port Grimaud

Boutemy Immobilier Press Release November 2014

Boutemy Immobilier Real Estate has provided in thousands of media supports an international press release last week. Here is a summary for your eyes only.

Port Grimaud : a French getaway like no other

Known as the “French Venice,” this private lakeside village in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez features waterways and boat moorings in front of every house.

 Grimaud, France – Port Grimaud is one of Europe’s little known treasures.

Port Grimaud, France

A charming lakeside town located in the heart of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez in southeast France, Port Grimaud is known as the “French Venice.” It offers waterways and canals throughout the town, and every homeowner can moor a boat in front his or her house.

A private village facing the sea, Port Grimaud features colorful facades, town markets, Roman tiles and small streets with fantastic plots as well as the shops and conveniences of a modern city.

“It is a magical place where people can feel and experience the unique atmosphere of a French village and its scenic waterways,” said Marc Giordano, CFO of Boutemy Immobilier Real Estate, which offers apartment and houses rentals and sales in Port Grimaud. “It is a dream vacation on the French Riviera”.

houses with moorings

“We would love to help people from all over the world to come and discover this amazing vacation spot. At least once in their lifetime everyone should enjoy this type of house-with-mooring experience. Port Grimaud is a safe and peaceful city for people who are looking to combine tranquility and wonder during their vacation.”

Boutemy Immobilier Real Estate provides rentals for about 60 French Riviera houses and apartments in Port Grimaud as well as sales of more than 60 local properties. In an effort to let more people know about this unique vacation getaway, the agency is offering a number of discounts through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.

“The goal of this crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo is to enable us to subsequently launch an internationally ambitious communication campaign to try to make known Port Grimaud worldwide”, said Marc Giordano.

The Indiegogo page can be viewed at

For example, a donation of 50 Euros (about $63) is good for a 10 percent discount on a boat rental in Port Grimaud. For 150 Euros ($188), you’ll receive a free apartment or house cleaning plus the 10 percent boat discount.

A €200 (about $250) contribution is rewarded with a 5 percent discount on a one-week house or apartment rental in Port Grimaud and the 10 percent boat rental discount.

A €500 (about $625) contribution is rewarded with a 10 percent discount on a one-week house or apartment rental in Port Grimaud and the 10 percent boat rental discount.

“This is a great opportunity for people to save some money on a great vacation and discover something totally different,” Marc Giordano said. “If you’re looking for an apartment or house on the French Riviera, this is the place to be for your next vacation.”

For additional information, visit; the agency’s Port Grimaud website,; or the Boutemy Immobilier Real Estate Port Grimaud Facebook page,

Boutemy Immobilier supports « Je cours pour Lilian » Association

News of the Gulf of Saint Tropez deal also with solidarity shown by many people around families in need. We also want to share this solidarity by taking the example of the Association « Je cours pour Lilian » (« I Run for Lilian »).

 Je cours pour Lilian

The Non-Profit Association « Je cours pour Lilian » (I Run for Lilian) was created in November 2013 by people close to Lilian, in the town of Cogolin, France, near Saint Tropez.

Lilian is a little smiling boy with mischievous sparkling eyes. He just wants to enjoy life and be able to run and play with his friends and cousins.

He was born May 24, 2012 with a complete bilateral cleft lip and palate, severe plagiocephaly and congenital legs folded on his stomach torticollis.

 Thereafter, he was diagnosed with, in addition, central sleep apnea and an overly narrow occipitocervical junction with risk of compression of the spinal cord.

Since his birth his parents struggle to give him the best care but everything has a price. As time passes, the risk of psychomotor delay for Lilian increase.

Lilian’s mother and two of her friends are fans of running. Pushed by people around them they decided to create the Association to try to take care of (at least part of) Lilian’s medical expenses.

The name of the Association was created according to the following idea : « Instead of running for us, why not run for Lilian ? »

 Above all, Association’s will is to do everything they can for Lilian so he can RUN one day.

The Association is committed since November 2013 to help Lilian’s family and give a long-term help to other children with same diseases.

Today, there are many structures to separately deal with various Lilian’s diseases but very few structures deal with all diseases at the same time and unfortunately they do not have the right answers for Lilian and other children with same diseases.

The whole small village of Cogolin in France has mobilized for Lilian and some surrounding communities did so (Port Grimaud, Grimaud, Gassin, la Môle and many other towns), but now the Association needs your help so Lilian’s disease can be known worldwide and globally shared with other countries.

The Association needs to raise as soon as possible about $ 15.065 to allow Lilian to follow emergency care in Barcelona, the only European center adapted to this kind of disease. This neuro-rehabilitation program in Barcelona is called « Essentis Program ».

You can visit Essentis official webpage to understand the kind of care children like Lilian are following in this center (see but you have to know that, during the sessions, the patient goes through various workshops in which posture, disability and symptoms are evaluated by different members of Essentis’ team (osteopaths, acupuncturists, Physiotherapists …) to develop a personalized program adapted to children’s needs.

Different therapists work in coordination within the center and the team of Dr. Nazarov (myiotenofaciectomie), that of Dr. Lao (geneticist) and Dr. Cori Lopez (neurologist), Windoor (Empuriabrava), which enables a rapid response to the needs of daily patient.

The Essentis patient approach is holistic, meaning it is considered in its entirety.

Essentis is the only program that is known which is able to treat all the symptoms of the disease at the same time.

The Association would also need SPLINTS, SPECIAL SHOES, and a GATEADOR, a support allowing children with this disease to walk with 4 legs almost alone.

Boutemy Real Estate supports « Je cours pour Lilian » Association and has recently invested to launch an international crowdfunding campaign via the world famous US website « Indiegogo ».

You want to support this initiative by making a donation ? Simply go to the Indiegogo page by clicking on the following link, and drop the amount you want or simply make a comment of support (which will help ensure that the campaign could remain well ranked among 7000 other ongoing campaigns on the website) :

If you are a journalist : an article or a news story in your media support about this campaign would be most welcome.

We hope this campaign will meet with a success in order to achieve the target set for Lilian and Association. If the expected amount is exceeded, other children may be able to benefit from similar treatment.

See you soon,

The Boutemy Real Estate Team.

Sébastien Loeb en Guest Star au Rallye du Var / World Race Champion Sébastien Loeb Guest Star at Var Race

Un beau cadeau pour les Varois ! Le Rallye du Var, fondé en 1971, va accueillir les 28,29,30 novembre prochain à Sainte-Maxime le nonuple champion du monde de la discipline.

Rallye Var 2014

La prochaine édition du Rallye du Var, programmée les 28, 29 et 30 novembre 2014 est déjà un succès puisque les organisateurs ont clôturé les inscriptions, et une liste d’attente a même dû être créée.

Deux cent dix pilotes (voitures modernes) et quarante autres (voitures historiques) sont inscrits, au départ sur la promenade Simon-Lorière !

Dernier grand événement sportif de l’année 2014, le Rallye du Var fêtera cette année sa 60e édition en ce qui concerne les voitures modernes et la 30e pour les véhicules historiques. Et pour ces deux anniversaires, l’organisateur Alain Mahé ne pouvait rêver plus beau cadeau que la présence de Sébastien Loeb !

S Loeb Rallye Sainte Maxime

Son épouse comme copilote !

Le nonuple champion du monde des rallyes sera au volant d’une Citroën DS3 avec, comme copilote, son épouse, Séverine. Et ces derniers ne viendront pas faire de la figuration puisque Citroën dépêchera vingt-cinq personnes pour ce rallye dont un ingénieur !

Alors ne boudez pas votre plaisir et allez encourager votre coureur favori pour cette course (même si ce n’est pas Sébastien Loeb), qui s’annonce une nouvelle fois spectaculaire.

English Version

Rallye Var 2014

A lovely gift for people of Var ! Rallye du Var, founded in 1971, will host next November 28,29,30 in Sainte-Maxime the nine-time world champion in the discipline Sébastien Loeb.

The next edition of the Rallye du Var, scheduled on 28, 29 and 30 November 2014 is already a success as the organizers closed registration, and a waiting list has even been created.

Two hundred and ten drivers (modern cars) and forty other (vintage cars) are registered initially on Simon Lorière road !

Last big sporting event of the year 2014, the Rallye du Var will celebrate its 60th edition regarding modern cars and the 30th for historic vehicles. And these two anniversaries, the organizer Alain Mahé could not imagine a more beautiful gift that the presence of Sébastien Loeb !

S Loeb Rallye Sainte Maxime

His wife as co-pilot !

The Legendary nine-time champion of the World Rally Tour will be driving a Citroen DS3,  with his wife, Severine, as co-pilot. And they will not come for nothing since Citroën will bring a twenty-five technician team to the rally and an engineer also !

So if you can or cannot come to the Var Race you will anyway be able to support your favorite runner for this race (even if it is not Sebastien Loeb), which promises once again to be a spectacular one.

L’étang des Salins de Saint-Tropez est désormais officiellement un site protégé – The Pond of Salins in Saint-Tropez is now protected by law

Etang-Salins-Saint-Tropez  etang-proche-port-grimaud

L’arrêté préfectoral attendu depuis plusieurs années par les défenseurs de l’environnement pour protéger de toute déprédation la dernière zone humide du golfe, est entré en vigueur officiellement cette semaine.

Voici, ci-dessous, l’article complet de Var Matin datant du 16 novembre 2014.

The order expected for several years by conservationists to protect Saint Tropez Gulf last wetland pond from depredation officially entered into force this week.

Here is the complete article from Var Matin Newspaper dated November 16, 2014 (in French, sorry…) :

Il aura fallu de longues années pour que l’étang des Salins, perle de l’environnement dans le golfe, soit enfin protégé de l’urbanisation et de toute tentative de destruction diverse.

Les défenseurs de la nature réclamaient en effet qu’un « arrêté de protection de biotope » soit pris au niveau préfectoral, afin que soient définitivement mis à l’abri, non seulement le lieu et sa végétation, mais également les espèces animales protégées qui le fréquentent régulièrement et en font sa spécificité, les oiseaux notamment.

Le fameux arrêté a enfin été pris à la fin du printemps dernier, le 6 juin exactement.

Il a concrétisé une réunion de la commission départementale de la nature, des paysages et sites, qui s’était déroulée six mois plus tôt, en décembre 2013, au sein de laquelle la ville de Saint-Tropez, à travers le maire, Jean-Pierre Tuveri, mais également le directeur général des services M. Ruiz, était représentée.

D’après une étude de la LPO

La décision s’est appuyée sur une étude naturaliste de la zone, réalisée par la Ligue de protection des oiseaux Paca, à la demande de l’État.

Toutefois, certaines zones restent en dehors du périmètre, au grand dam de certains qui estiment que la protection aurait dû être plus élargie – notamment la partie sur laquelle un parking d’été est installé durant chaque saison estivale. Bien que dans le périmètre protégé, ce stationnement temporaire sera pérenne.

D’une façon générale, la zone à protéger, proposée par la Ligue de protection des oiseaux, était plus vaste.

Certaines zones ont été écartées de la protection car déjà urbanisées ou privées.

Quoi qu’il en soit, et en attendant une révision qui arrivera peut-être si les mécontents sont entendus, l’arrêté existe bel et bien.

Treize hectares

Il s’étend sur 12,9 hectares. Il prend en compte l’étang lui-même évidemment, mais aussi les terrains à l’intérieur des terres, et même la plage jusqu’en limite du domaine public maritime.

Les propriétés privées riveraines en sont exclues. Une réglementation très stricte régit maintenant la fréquentation du lieu et exclut, de fait, toute construction nouvelle, et même toute activité ou passage motorisé sauf autorisation spéciale ou dérogation prévue dans le texte pour cause d’entretien , de service ou de sécurité (lire par ailleurs).

L’arrêté est une première étape pour la protection de ce site.

En effet, d’autres viendront, telle la maîtrise foncière, puisque le Conservatoire du littoral pourrait, à terme, devenir gestionnaire du site.

Une protection générale

Grimaud protection environnementL’arrêté de protection de biotope de l’étang recense les espèces végétales et animales à protéger.

Les oiseaux sont particulièrement visés par le texte.

La protection du site entraîne une longue liste d’interdictions.

Circulation : elle est interdite aux piétons hors de sentiers balisés, voies ouvertes au public sauf pour les propriétaires et leurs ayants-droits.

Sont autorisés : le parking estival temporaire, la circulation pour des missions de service public surveillance, opérations, incendies, de police ou de sécurité, mais aussi celle à des fins d’entretien écologique des espaces naturels et à des fins d’entretien des réseaux existants sur la zone (EDF notamment).

Toute autre circulation y compris cavaliers et cyclistes est interdite.

Activités agricoles et cynégétiques : les activités agricoles continuent de s’exercer librement pour les propriétaires.

Toutefois, l’usage du feu est interdit sauf incinération de rémanents et entretien programme, les épandages divers sont soumis à autorisation, le retournement des prairies est interdit, de même que la plantation d’espèces végétales non spontanées et toute autre intervention visant à modifier l’apect du milieu naturel.

La chasse est exclusivement limitée aux opérations de gestion des populations de sangliers. Elles sont soumises à autorisation entre le 1er septembre et le 15 novembre.

Déversements divers : ils sont évidemment tous proscrits ainsi que l’extraction de matériau et l’utilisation de lubrifiants non biodégradables pour le matériel agricole.

Constructions et installations : elles sont toutes interdites sauf entretien des pistes, débroussaillement en bord de voies, et travaux d’entretien pour la préservation des espaces naturels, et ceux liés à l’activité de services publics.

Un comité de suivi a été instauré pour superviser la bonne exécution de l’arrêté. Il est composé du directeur régional de l’environnement, du directeur départemental des Territoires et de la mer, du président de la chambre d’agriculture du Var, du président du conseil général, du maire de Saint-Tropez, du directeur du Conservatoire du littoral, du directeur de la LPOPaca et du directeur du Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen.

Notre application Iphone est disponible ! Our Iphone App is available right now !

Notre Application Iphone Boutemy Immobilier – Port Grimaud est maintenant disponible ! Il vous suffit de la télécharger sur votre Iphone ou d’aller sur
Our Boutemy Real Estate Iphone App is now available ! Get it right now on your Iphone or see
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